My Tello EDU Drone automatically shut off after a few minutes. I restarted the drone, but now it doesn't recognize my program is running in Scratch.
Identify the Issue
When the Tello EDU Drone automatically powers down, it will lose the Wi-Fi connection and will need to be connected again.
Recommended Solution
Go to the task manager, and click on your network connections icon. In the pop-up window, click Connect on the Tello-######. You will see a secured connection next to the Tello drone name when it's reconnected to Wi-Fi.
If this doesn't work, get the communication back by running the tello.js command. The following steps need to be done:
Disconnect the drone from the Wi-Fi.
In the Windows search box, type in CMD to open a Command Prompt window.
Navigate to the Scratch folder location.
Type Node Tello.js in the Command Prompt window and press Enter.
Reconnect the drone to your Wi-Fi.
Run your program in Scratch.